My newest endorsement for The Enemy Harassed comes from Ricardo Herrera, a professor of Military Science at the School of Advanced Military Studies, US Army Command and General Staff College. He is also the author of Feeding Washington’s Army: Surviving the Valley Forge Winter of 1778. He writes:
Jim Stempel’s Enemy Harassed is the perfect introduction to the Forage War of 1777, the actions that followed the battles of Trenton and Princeton and helped drive the British Army back to New York. Gen. Sir William Howe’s army was overextended in New Jersey, and the Forage War drove home that point. British and Hessian troops dared not venture into the Jerseys except in strength. While Gen. George Washington and the Continental Army, ensconced behind the Watchung Mountains at Morristown, defied Howe’s army, moving Continentals and state’s militia turned New Jersey into a land of danger -Ricardo Herrera